Its dark. So Dark...
Hatred and fear rule this realm...
Along with hunger and thirst.
Everything is filled with such deep sorrow.
These are Wars.
I knew that you'd come.
A single ray of light has found its way back
amidst the in-escapable darkness.
This is the only time i've experienced this.
It isn't because i'm seeing a god.
It's because I heard that dear child's voice.
Why... Why you...
I couldn't forgive those criminals for thaking advantage of sanctuary.
If criminals who committed murder can find salvation,
while those who lost their loved ones find none,
just what is true justice?
All of their sins and suffering reside inside of me now.
They shall repent by returning to nothingness with me.
Your justice is flawed.
Justice without love isn't true justice.
Those who lack forgivness are no different from the darkness.
That's why you're so conflicted.
Why do people die after all three of their dreams come true?
Because we promised the Chief of Heaven that we could devote our lives to them.
Just when our dreams finally come true-!
It's not very fair.
Our dearest dreams are the only things in this world
that can make our souls shine bright and beautiful.
That light shines as a beacon for the messengers of Heaven,
so that they can take our souls back to God.
What are your three wishes?
Will you die someday?
That's the reason...
You and the time I spend together with you is so precious.
People can't stay in the same place forever.
Our souls lead us on a journey...
to the other side.
Your last wish has come true...