Sunday, April 3, 2011

Today was so fun!! I JUST HAD TO BLOG IT!

You will never believe.... What an unexpected awesomee day i haddd :)
The day started like every normal day, woke up, stare at my homework.. and went back to sleep.
Then my dad went through a stack of DVD and picked one to watch on my ps3.
I was supposed to meet Cynthie and Marina..
But Marina somehow misled Cynthie all over the MTR and she was like late...
I will ask them how on EARTH did she get lost.
Seemed to do with Hong Kong people ignoring them XDD
Had lunch with them at some local thai food restaurant place.. It was disappointing..
Carman arrived to Tin Hau MTR, then i picked her up and went to have lunch.
We walked up a mountain @@ then arrived at the school...
I shall not talk about what i did.
But i shall mention i did use the binoculars and stare at a few girls... XDDD
And i ACTED like a "gay"

AMAZING PART was dinner ^^
Italian dinner.
We had Pizza, Risotto, Pasta, Desert.
It was so nice, Cynthie nearly cried.
It was so expensive, Marina forgotten her credit card.
Carman and I had to run all the way from the restaurant to the biggest library in Hong Kong then to Tin Hau MTR station.. Then all the way back to the restaurant.
On the way Carman had an unexpected phone call.. And damn it was so funny XDD

HAHA it was a memoriable night... I swear, i will remember tonight like... FOREVER :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My heart is something I want to rip out of my chest.

Human emotion... How I wish I had none.
There would be no Love nor Hatred.
Happiness is a temporary effect,
Sadness comes after that.
Being hurt would never be an issue.
Moving on with life would be easier.
Being worried of losing someone,
would never be a burden.

Winds of sorrow would blow,
as tears of blood fall down my cheeks.

Right in front of my eyes,
she walked away.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Limit of the thousands hands,
respectful hands,
unable to touch the darkness.
Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky.
The road that basks in light,
the wind that ignited the embers,
time that gathers when both are together,
there is no need to be hesitant,
obey my orders.
Light bullets,
eight bodies,
nine items,
book of heaven,
diseased treasure,
great wheel,
grey fortress tower.
Aim far away,
scatter brightly and cleanly when fired
Seeping crest of turbidity.
Arrogant vessel of lunacy!
Boil forth and deny!
Grow numb and flicker!
Disrupt sleep!
Crawling queen of iron!
Eternally self-destructing doll of mud!
Unite! Repulse!
Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!